What Makes an Outsourced IT Department the Right Choice Over Having an Internal IT Guy?
In today’s highly competitive business world, information technology is a fundamental part of getting ahead. Have you been settling for an internal IT guy? Sure, they’re probably great – they know your company and they offer distinct benefits, but it’s a major investment that sometimes, isn’t worth the high cost.
CAT-TEC knows the decision between an outsourced IT department and an internal IT guy is difficult. That’s why we’re here to outline the pros and cons – helping you get a better idea of what you need to succeed. Call (416) 840-6560 or send us an email at {email}.
In the past, having an internal IT guy was common, but nowadays, when businesses start growing and hiring more staff members, they need to start focusing on other key aspects of the company, including:
- Handling new business opportunities that are coming in
- Providing a high level of client service
- Marketing products and/or services
Do you really want to add information technology to that list? For most companies, hiring an internal IT guy becomes far too costly – paying a full-time salary and benefits for someone, then realizing it’s cost prohibitive when that person takes a vacation or gets sick and they’re unable to handle your technology needs.
When you hire an outsourced IT department, on the other hand, you have access to an entire team – if one person gets sick or goes away on vacation, you can rest assured knowing your technology needs are still taken care of. Plus, you achieve the following benefits:
- A varied set of skills and expertise: An entire team brings multiple technicians with varied skills and expertise levels – and those technicians are kept up-to-date with the latest technologies and training to best serve your needs.
- A simple and predictable way to save money: An outsourced IT department costs a lot less than paying a monthly salary and benefits, and when you take advantage of managed service plans, you’re paying a predictable rate each month.
- A greater range of solutions available to you: An IT services company is able to leverage their partnerships to give you a greater range of solution choices in terms of hardware and software – often getting you a better price.
You need an outsourced IT department you can depend on – because when it comes to technology, your needs are always evolving, and the truth is, a single IT guy simply can’t keep up.
Get the best outsourced IT department to handle all of your information technology needs. Call CAT-TEC at (416) 840-6560 or send us an email at {email} for more information.

Client Success

“I have an offsite assistant, and all of my files (drawer-upon-drawer of them) are now available. The ability to load documents from the offsite location, and have them [available] for me exactly when I need them is the great benefit of the SaveYourData software,”
The Michaud Group