If Your Email Goes Down For Any Reason, Your Clients Will Find Another Company To Help Them!
Never let this happen to you. Don’t Take Your Email for Granted. If you fail to have a business email continuity strategy in place for your company….you will be sunk.
It may seem like email is so ingrained in your daily routine that you don’t even notice it, but it’s the cornerstone of your communications and the gateway to all your other information technology. You might not think about how important email is while it’s working, but as soon as you’re unable to access your inbox or an important email chain is mysteriously lost, you’ll feel the pain of its absence.
Not only should you be protecting your email system to make sure it’s safe, you should also be leveraging innovative email continuity strategies to improve how you use your email every day to keep the rest of your business secure.
That’s why CAT-TEC makes email continuity a key part of our Business Continuity strategy. We understand how vital your email service is, and our expertise can help keep it always available so you never suffer from expensive and wasteful downtime.
Our team of experts focus on improving your email’s:
- Reliability – By ensuring that your email takes advantage of cloud hosting solutions, we make certain it’s available to you and your staff at all times, regardless of the state of your onsite equipment. Whether we store your entire email service in a cloud-based server, or just specific email services like your anti-spam or anti-virus, you’ll be able to use your cloud services to access your email at all times, with no loss of your all-important communication services.
- Cloud-Based Backup – Your email can be more than just a place to send and receive messages. It can be an important archive of your correspondence so you can keep your valuable records easily secured and accessible at any time. Whether your email is server-based, workstation-based, or hosted (like Gmail or Office 365 services), we can backup your vital correspondence in the cloud. If anything is ever accidentally deleted or lost, we can easily recover it, and we can also trace the path of your emails so, if there’s ever a problem, we can check the logs and see what’s happening.
- Versatility – You want your email to be able to keep up with the changing needs of your business. We can make sure you get cloud-based email services that can easily scale to the size and needs of your company, so you can have the exact services and number of accounts that your business needs. We also make sure you can access your business email from anywhere you need to go, at any time, whether it’s in the office, at home, or on the road with your mobile device.
- Security – We know how to protect you from spam and viruses (both receiving them AND sending them), and how to stop your own email from being flagged as spam so you can ensure that your clients and potential customers receive your important messages. We also make sure you’ve got the right security and passwords set up to keep cybercriminals out so you can rest assured your email isn’t a backdoor for a disaster to affect the rest of your information technology.
Don’t take your email for granted. Put the right safeguards in place to keep your email services available and reliable at all times, so you are never cut off from your clients and team members.
CAT-TEC can help your business prepare for anything the future might bring with our Business Continuity consulting. Contact us today at (416) 840-6560 or {email} to book a complimentary business continuity consultation and learn more.

Client Success

“I have an offsite assistant, and all of my files (drawer-upon-drawer of them) are now available. The ability to load documents from the offsite location, and have them [available] for me exactly when I need them is the great benefit of the SaveYourData software,”
The Michaud Group