Do Your Employees Complain About Computers Getting in the Way of Work?

Take a peek around your office. Are your employees as productive as they could be?

Are they getting their work done, or are they taking an extra long coffee break while the computer reboots?

employees complainingSometimes it can seem like employees use bad technology as an excuse for slacking off, but the truth is that unresponsive I.T. can really get in the way of productivity. Does any of this sound familiar?

  • My computer takes 15 minutes to turn on in the morning – I might as well go for a coffee while I’m waiting.
  • I never got that email. Must have gotten lost in cyberspace.
  • Sorry, I can’t hand that file in yet – my computer crashed again. It’s running a check disk again!

Don’t let your Information Technology be the crutch your employees use to justify slacking off.

Take control of your technology and your productivity by planning ahead and putting a little TLC into your technology experience with proactive solutions from CAT-TEC:

  • Preventative maintenance to catch slowing down systems and potential bugs before they can start dragging down your productivity.
  • Regular I.T. strategy meetings to discuss replacing old technologies and finding better solutions to streamline and improve your daily operations.
  • Backups and business continuity planning to protect your important files from potential disasters – saving your employees from themselves.
  • Dedicated I.T. support from our Help Desk, so you can count on fast and efficient responses to real I.T. issues as soon as they arise.

Stop making excuses for your technology and for your employees. You may think your technology isn’t broken and doesn’t need fixing, but if it’s holding you back and wasting your time every day – it’s time to think again.

Contact CAT-TEC today for an I.T. solution designed to make technology easy for your The GTA business again. Call us at (416) 840-6560 or send an email to {email} to learn more.

Client Success

The Michaud Group

“I have an offsite assistant, and all of my files (drawer-upon-drawer of them) are now  available. The ability to load documents from the offsite location, and have them [available] for me exactly when I need them is the great benefit of the SaveYourData software,”

The Michaud Group