Cybercriminals are Using a Dangerous New Form of Ransomware to Hijack Your Files
Cybercriminals have always been smart, fast, and incredibly adaptive. Just as you’re constantly looking for new ways to improve workflow and productivity with technology while keeping data safe, they’re always looking for new ways to do harm and compromise your business.
What’s New?
- We’ve all heard of ransomware – it’s a form of malware that infects your network or device and encrypts files, demanding a ransom for victims to retrieve their data. Over the past several years, it’s grown more and more common.
- Recently a new version of TelsaCrypt has been discovered, which now uses the ccc extension when encrypting files. This version uses the same payment site as older variants and demands approximately $500 (in BitCoins) to decrypt files.
How Do You Decrypt Your Files?
The worst part is that there’s currently no way to decrypt this version for free because of how the private decryption keys are generated.
It’s a long, confusing processes – essentially, the files continue to encrypt themselves and the key you need to restore your files is incredibly hard to generate.
So, What Can You Do?
Be vigilant! Always be cautious when you’re exchanging and opening Emails: ensure you know the senders, and never click on links or download attachments that you weren’t expecting. It’s never a bad idea to call a client or co-worker to verify that they sent over files – your livelihood could be on the line.
Get in touch with CAT-TEC to learn more about TelsaCrypt and how to protect yourself against other dangerous online threats. Contact our technology professionals at {email} or (416) 840-6560.
Client Success
“I have an offsite assistant, and all of my files (drawer-upon-drawer of them) are now available. The ability to load documents from the offsite location, and have them [available] for me exactly when I need them is the great benefit of the SaveYourData software,”
The Michaud Group