Can Your Business REALLY Afford to Wait for a Computer Support Guy?
Downtime Costs an Average $167 Per Hour – Start Being Proactive With Our Network Support in The GTA!
Does your technology make getting work done more difficult, instead of making it easier? Unfortunately, far too many businesses struggle with consistent, frustrating IT issues that hold them back; often putting a complete halt to productivity and profitability and causing significant reputational damage and loss of customer confidence.
CAT-TEC believes your information systems should save you money and time everyday. We offer the most reliable Network Support in The GTA to help your business achieve streamlined operations to increase productivity and profitability. To learn more, give us a call at (416) 840-6560 or send us an email at {email}.
When it comes to network support, your IT support company should offer more than simple problem resolution as issues occur, your IT support company should ensure your technology is always at it’s best – using proactive maintenance and monitoring solutions to stop problems before disruption or downtime occurs.
Does your current IT support company maintain a proactive approach to your information systems? If not, it’s time to move on!
Of course, it’s important to have timely and reliable support when IT issues occur; however, it’s more important to have proactive and preventative solutions in place to prevent IT issues from occurring in the first place! That’s where our team of IT experts comes in handy: we maintain a proactive approach to your information systems – taking the initiative to:
- Keep your network secure using managed anti-virus software and firewalls to detect and resolve issues, such as potential virus/malware infections, before they impact your business.
- Offer preventative maintenance of your servers and systems, on a regular basis, to look for antiquated/outdated technologies and apply updates that are necessary to prevent issues.
- Monitor your network and systems around the clock to immediately catch, identify, and resolve any IT issue or security threat before disruption or downtime occurs.
- Be available to address issues, questions and concerns via phone, web, or email, to keep you and your staff working productively while we address your needs in a friendly and personable manner.
It’s time to take advantage of the preferred Network Support in The GTA that YOUR business deserves – our network support keeps you up and running productively at all times. To learn more, give us a call at (416) 840-6560 or send us an email at {email}.

Client Success

“I have an offsite assistant, and all of my files (drawer-upon-drawer of them) are now available. The ability to load documents from the offsite location, and have them [available] for me exactly when I need them is the great benefit of the SaveYourData software,”
The Michaud Group